Our collection incorporates exemplary vintage pieces from modernism and the machine age.

We see the two as part of the same aesthetic fabric; and it is this theory from which we draw in designing our gallery.

FS20 collaborates with numerous design professionals, set designers, prop managers, businesses and individuals with good taste.  We pride ourselves on being flexible and willing to extend our reach beyond day to day dealings. If we don't have a piece, it's likely we know where to find it. As an additional resource, we are pleased to be able to provide rentals on any scale to the multitude of local film, photography, and stage productions on a daily basis. 

Come by and walk through! We're here, and happy to share our enthusiasm. We aim to evoke within each of our clients their inert drive to design and arrange by the provision of materials knowledge, provenance, and a helping hand. 


From Machine Age to
Mid-Century and Beyond.

Founded by Fred Strawser, life-long lover of all things vintage, FS20 was born out of Fred’s appreciation and affection for beautiful functionally designed furnishings from a bygone era.  His eye for classic mid-century and turn-of-the-century industrial inspired pieces are what sets the collection apart. Fred’s passion and knowledge about each piece is inspiring and he enjoys making his finds available to you!